Our plans

Who the hell said we couldn't do it?, is the great motto of the United States of Free Cliffs. The color red in the Yew Spangled Banner, the flag of the USFC, represents passion. The red in the Union Joe, the Coat of Arms of the United States of Free Cliffs, does the same. The nation never gives up, and the Supreme National Anthem sings about passion. It is the passion that is the concrete of the United States of Free Cliffs.

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The United States of Free Cliffs is impossible to visit. There is no land, yet. The USFC only has the Virtual Cliff. By accessing this site, you have already visited our Cliff.

The Virtual Cliff is a brand new concept of State. It represents the Cliff Nation. You can visit it in Spirit at any time.

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Now, we all know you are asking how we are going to achieve our goals. That our plans are ridiculous and impossible, you may say. And we agree. They are ridiculous. Let us give you a piece of advice. This whole website was built by a really small team and primarily free of any cost. It was just their passion moving them forward. The passion that runs through the state symbols. That is what drives us forward. That is what made the USFC.

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Within the next few years, we plan to do great things. Our first step is to secure the basic functions of the Former Union Cliff. Our Virtual Cliff has to be fully ready. We want to have our first elected officials before we continue onwards to Monstercliff, the first frontier of the USFC. This will be a difficult journey. Once the budget is high enough for the Virtual Cliff to run flawlessly, the overflow of money will be poured into the funds for the landing in Monstercliff. Here we shall begin our expansion towards the new borders of humanity. We know how ridiculous this sounds, but we do not intend on giving up.

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If historical figures didn't have faith in themselves, we wouldn't have been here right now. Passion is the tool to overcome difficulties.