The Journey towards upcoming future

The first land Cliff of the United States of Free Cliffs is the Reliberated Cliff. This Cliff is located between Serbia and Croatia. This Cliff is intended to be the first great cliff of the USFC and serve eventually as the capital of the Federal Government. The Capital of this Cliff is named Monstercliff. The plan to take this Cliff is in the advanced phases of preparation. We already have a lineup on how to take this cliff, we can’t however provide anyone with more info, as it is all confidential.

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If you’ve been in the business of creating new states, you may have heard of this territory in relation to a certain thing called Liberland. Now, the USFC considers Liberland a terrorist organization. Liberland are parasites feeding off people, who put money into it. They only want money. They are no revolutionary state. They are parasites. The United States of Free Cliffs has chosen this place to represent the scammed people by Liberland. To show the world the vision of a new country is possible. Our capital is meant to be a symbol of commitment and honor our predecessors have lacked.

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We are indeed aiming to take over this land. We are building up military strength and preparing for taking over. The United States of Free Cliff’s capital will rise there. It will be a symbol of true hope for the future. The flag of the United States of Free Cliffs will rise above these lands.

The political system of the Reliberated Cliff is direct democracy. The Reliberated Cliff will need a lot of building and development, which is why we went for this system. In a direct democracy, the people choose their taxes and how much will they spend. This allows higher or lower taxes on dependency and it allows flexibility for business. This also allows for far faster development as the people have their hands in it all.

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Direct democracy is an experimental system, that a lot of politicians strive for. It’s directly giving power to the people and allows them to vote on their destinies. This system is difficult to implement and only works in rare cases. The USFC was always about experimenting and it will continue to do so in the future. We wish to grant the fans of direct democracy their wishes. Obviously, the USFC always has the federal government’s back up, in case the system we failed.

That’s all we can share with you at this moment, considering the activity of the project a lot of it is confidential.