The president of the USFC

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The most important person in our nation is the president. They are the chief representative of our nation. Their secondary title is Lord Protector of The Union, as their role is to make sure that democracy and justice stay in power. They also serve a large role within the USFC law system, and their authority is high. It should be noted that the president does not have legislative powers, they primarily serve as a break for democracy.

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The president has somewhat unusual rights compared to his other counterparts. The president has the typical right to veto, which is overridable by the Senate, and serves as the commander in chief. The less typical role is the head of the justice system, apart from the judges themselves. The president is to be called on as a replacement for either prosecution or the defense, in case of suspected fraud or in high-profile cases and they are expected to be directly responsible for possible fraud in the institutions of the Prosecutor's office and Attorney bar on a federal level. They can also stand in for a police chief in case of corruption, this is only allowed if permitted by the court. These may seem like strange decisions, but they all make sense with full context of the steps to become the president.

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The qualification to become the USFC president is to go under a psychological evaluation and to be endorsed by specific institutions. As of right now, those are the army and universities. Only those institutions can name a candidate, after that one candidate has to get a majority to win the seat. Now, these may seem like extreme conditions, but there is reason for it. The President of the USFC is not supposed to be an ideologist, they are supposed to keep the USFC together. Their primary goal is to protect democracy and the values, that the USFC was funded on on.

The current president is one of the founders, known by the name The Writer. The USFC constitution granted him the post by default, but The Writer still asked for the parliament to confirm his power. The parliament did so unanimously. The Writer is a long believer in the constitution as well as it's most influential designer, it's expected he'll serve the post well.