Elections in the USFC

In this article, we go over the key federal elections of the United States of Free Cliffs.

The National Gathering, comprising 200 elected representatives, has an election every four years. Each cliff elects an equal number of representatives. Eligible political parties create candidate lists, and candidates are elected based on their position and the number of preference votes they receive from citizens. Each Cliff holds a separate election.

The Senate is divided into three groups, each being elected for six years. The Senate is elected per circuit. Each cliff gets an equal amount, except for the Former Union Cliff, which gets the leftover ones along with three permanent ones. The Senate circuits are decided by the local governments.

In case of a low citizen count, the Cliff get a freedom of electing their officials outside of the Federal elections. These elections are still however regulated by the Federal Government, to keep some plurality.

The USFC currently has three established parties residing in the Parliament

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The first one is CUP, the Conservative Unity Party. This party has been here since the start of the USFC, and it even predates the Constitution. Back then it was known as the KAYO party however, this name was discontinued as its leader, The Builder, likes things seriously. This party is known for the traditional values of your typical conservative party. Their motto is Freedom, Prosperity, Unity. They consider this motto also their program, as they promote right-wing oriented freedom and high economic freedom which in their stances leads to prosperity and unified cliffs under a strong federal government.

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The KKKK party, also known as Pevnou RuKou K AutoKracii RusKých Fízlů. This party is also one of the funding parties of the USFC, however unlike the CUP, it kept the trademark USFC sense of humor and its abbreviation. The Planner and his party are advocates for direct democracy, a balanced budget, lower bureaucracy, and most importantly absolute independence from other countries and their agents. The KKKK is founded on the true traditional values of the USFC, like JokeSpeak or the Supreme Founders. The KKKK wishes to keep the true tradition of the USFC as it was taught by Tha Planner's mentor.

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The Plus Movement was born from the LGBTQ party funded by the current President. The party, funded by The Writer, was handed over to its current party leader known as The Druid. It got rebranded to the Plus movement. The Plus movement's motto is "To make our country worth living in". This motto is supported by the Plus movement's work in personal freedom. The Plus movement embraces economic conservatism, with a however some progressive taxation. The party is generally considered a centrist libertarian. Perhaps the thing it is most famous for is its stance on Identity politics, as it is extremely open to this topic.

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The Final currently functioning National Gathering party is the Union of People's Synarchist Front. This party is brand new to the political climate. The party is tied to synarchism, which can be described as the rule of the elite. The party however rejects the elite part of it. UPSF believes that a secretive government that works for the people and not for itself while also respecting individual freedoms is an idea that wasn't given a chance. This utopia of theirs is the plan of the UPSF. Currently, the UPSF does not have enough support to make their dreams come true. The party right now supports strongly left-wing and socialist policies in the National Gathering. Its leader is known as the Revolutionary.

These parties are guaranteed to be on your next voting ballot. However, if you disagree with them, it’s not an issue. You can also start your party. As long as you have enough starting members we would love to put you on the ballot.