The USFC Prosecutor’s Office

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Every law needs its soldiers and in the USFC we got two groups of them. While our boys and girls in the FF protect our interests, our safety is protected by the police and by the glorious prosecutors. These are the guardians of our law

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The head of the Prosecutor’s Office is the Chief Prosecutor. They are named into their position by the collective choice of the Minister of Discrimination and the President. Their job is to evaluate prosecutors and their ranks, assign cases to said prosecutors, and prosecute cases of corruption or an 8th-degree crime.

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The prosecutor’s office is divided into three classes based on the skill level and competency of a prosecutor. The third-class prosecutors are the least skilled and take on 1st to 4th-degree cases, which include petty crimes and felonies. Second-class prosecutors are generally well skilled in their art and will prosecute cases from 5th to 6th degrees cases that include theft and assault. The first-class prosecutors are the most skilled individuals in the USFC. They are masters in the art of argument and investigation. They will use all their efforts to get a guilty verdict no matter the cost. These prosecutors are hand selected as the very best and only focus on 7th-degree crimes and special cases assigned by the Chief Prosecutor.

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The prosecutors work closely with the police as they are directly responsible for the investigation, they also set up the witnesses in the court. Committing a crime in the USFC? That is something we cannot recommend at all. The Prosecutors are here to act as the soldiers of justice, so criminals: better hope they will be willing to go for a deal.