the Free Cliff Police

The United States of Free Cliffs are held together by their greatest force, the Free Cliff Police. Our officers in blue are our defenders and we put all our faith in them. This article shall serve as a tour guide for you.

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The Free Cliff Police is headed by the Federal Police Chief. They are named by the President and are responsible for naming the local police chiefs and the general direction of the Free Cliff Police. The Chief is also responsible for the corruption rate in the Free Cliff Police. They are required to be a trained officer and a detective. The Police Chief can be called in ahead of the investigation if a complaint of corruption is found.

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The Police Officers are easy to see in their blue uniforms and are safe to approach. They are heavily regulated by their code of conduct and well-trained professionals. They will keep their smile and gladly answer all your questions. And no need to worry, no officer will step on your neck. But… when a law is broken, our officers will not hesitate to stop you by force for even a second. Our officers are trained and skilled at handling criminals. So, don't break our laws. But no worries, the prosecution will gladly cut a deal.

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Now. We hear your voices about police corruption, but no need for that. The Police are directly checked by the FOGB. They are the secret services of the USFC and are separate to make sure there is no conflict of interest. So, no need to be scared. Everyone gets justice in the USFC.

According to the USFC constitution, everyone has a right to safety, and under no circumstances will a police officer break that pledge, as loyalty to the Law is the most important thing to a police officer.

The Free Cliff Police is set to patrol the streets to protect our lovely nation.