The Free Cliff Judge Association

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The United States of Free Cliffs is a nation of justice. And justice needs someone to deliver it. These would be our great judges and the head of these judges is the Judge Association. The Judges require a high level of education, and mental tests and are selected by the Supreme Judge, who stands as the head of the association. They are selected by the President and The Minister of Discrimination, and their role is to name local judges and give them their prestige. They also own the authority to replace a judge if they can prove a possibility of a possible biased trial.

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The Judges are divided into three levels for four courts. There are the basic level judges, who are responsible for everyday trials at the first and second-level courts. The other level is the advanced judges who sit at the highest court of justice. These judges can get promoted to the supreme court judges who work as the guardians of the constitution and are called into action only if a high degree of corruption is present in a trial.

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The courts are divided into four levels. The first handle all cases, but if one party is unhappy, they may request a second-level court to review it. In both courts, the same level of judges is present. The Highest Court judges take requests for retrials however it is up to them if it’s worth a trial. These judges are of the highest quality. The Supreme Court mostly takes care of political justice, but if corruption is suspected, they may be called into service.

The Judges are always neutral and are to make sure the correct verdict is held, if a judge fails at such a task due to their ignorance, they shall be punished by the association. The Judge is also responsible for initiating a legal union between citizens and they also give our search permits on behalf of the law. This and many more are the jobs of our great judges.