The United States of Free Cliffs First Government



1).. Introduction. 2

2).. Article 1 The Crime Division, Investigation, and Trials. 2

3).. Article 2 The Free Cliff Police. 3

4).. Article 3 The Free Cliff Prosecutors Office. 5

5).. Article 4 The Free Cliff Advocate Bar. 6

6).. Article 5 The Free Cliff Judge association. 6

7).. Article 6 The Federal Organization of General Bureaucracy. 7

8).. Article 7 Drug and Addictive Substances Administration. 8

9).. Article 8 The Anti-Organized Crime Unit 8

10) Article 9 The USFC punishment and rehabilitation organization. 9

11) Article 10 Anti-Corruption Special Unit 9

12) Article 11 Punishment Systems 10

13) Article 12 Ministry of Inner Corruption Rights. 10

14) Article 13 Ministry of Positive Discrimination Rights. 11

15) Article 14 The Powers of the President 11

16) Article 15 1st Degree Crimes 12

17) Article 16 2nd Degree Crimes. 12

18) Article 17 3rd Degree Crimes. 12

19) Article 18 4th Degree Crimes. 12

20) Article 19 5th Degree Crimes. 13

21) Article 20 6th Degree Crimes. 13

22) Article 21 7th Degree Crimes. 13

23) Article 22 8th Degree Crimes. 14

24) Article 23 Expanding of the List and Roles of the Cliffs. 14

25) Article 24 Age of Consent 14

26) Article 25 Ratification of this Bill 15




The First Bill of Law System


1)   Introduction

i)      We, the USFC, need basic laws and a working law system. This bill consists of basic laws that will be enforced in the USFC. This bill will include how the law system will treat crimes and felonies and will introduce first laws and restrictions

2)   Article 1 The Crime Division, Investigation, and Trials

a)    Section 1

i)      The USFC has eight degrees of crimes that are divided by their importance into these levels

ii)    Degrees 1 to 4 are considered felonies and are given to class three prosecutors and are handled by police officers

iii)   Degrees 5 and 6 are handed to class two prosecutors and are assigned to a detectives

iv)   Degree 7 is handed to a class one prosecutor and has an exclusive detective

v)     Degree 8 is handed to Chief Prosecutor and handled by the Supreme Court

b)   Section 2

i)      Once a crime is committed an investigation begins

ii)    The investigation gets a prosecutor assigned, who leads the investigation

iii)   The investigation heads are the detective and a prosecutor

iv)   The detective proposes a suspect to the prosecutor, who chooses if there is enough evidence for a case

v)     Arrests need to have a basis, if not, a judge can dismiss the arrest

vi)   The Prosecutor’s Office may close a deal with the accused to avoid the trial

vii) If such a thing doesn’t happen a trial takes place

c)    Section 3

i)      During the trials, evidence is presented, and witnesses are called by the prosecution to testify

ii)    The defense may request witnesses, but they must be accepted by the judge

iii)   The Judge may handle penalties for the prosecution and the defense for withholding evidence or manipulating witnesses

iv)   These penalties are then given to the bar or the chief prosecutor

v)     All evidence must be registered before the trial

vi)   The witnesses may stay anonymous until the trial if the prosecution or defense chooses to

vii) There will be a court reporter writing down everything that takes place in the courtroom

viii)         Depending on the choice of the judge an audience may be present in the courtroom

ix)   There must be 6 bailiffs at every trial at a minimum, the judge may request an increase

d)   Section 4

i)      There are four levels of the court system, The First Level Court, The Second Level Court, the Highest Civilian Court, and the Supreme Court

ii)    The First Level handles all the cases

iii)   The Second Level will handle every trial whose verdict is appealed

iv)   The Highest Civilian Court may handle a trial whose verdict is appealed if a judge of such court agrees.

v)     The Supreme Court only handles 8th-Degree cases or special cases where the Chief Prosecutor requests so

e)    Individuals with special rights

i)      Some individuals have special rights in court, those rights being

(1)    Right to refuse to testify

(2)    Immunity

(3)    Right to every case file

ii)    Those individuals are

(1)    The Police Chief

(2)    Chief Prosecutor

(3)    Chairman and Chief of the FOGB

(4)    Judges

(5)    Politician level 8 or higher

iii)   These Rights can be removed by the supreme court or the president in any case

3)   Article 2 The Free Cliff Police

a)    Section 1

i)      The head of the Free Cliff police is the Federal Chief of Cliff Justice

ii)    The Chief is named by the president and chosen by the minister of inner corruption

iii)   The Head shall be removed from office if they are found unable to fulfill their duties or guilty of a crime above 2nd degree

iv)   The Free Cliff Police has local chiefs appointed by the Federal Chief of Cliff Justice

v)     Every Cliff has its own main Chief of Cliff Justice that responds to the federal

vi)   The ranks in the Free Cliff Police are colonel, lieutenant, major, captain, sergeant, and trooper in downwards order of importance

vii) The Free Cliff Police has Detectives that stand as heads of investigations, they also serve as the experts on the case. They can be called as such to court to testify

viii)         Each Police station is run by its local chief that assigns cases to the Detectives

ix)   Police officer identification is a badge and a permit

x)     A Police Officer must obtain a license from a police officer exam run by each police station

b)   Section 2

i)      The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to respect human rights

ii)    The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to treat every citizen respectfully

iii)   The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to work exactly within the law

iv)   The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to practice gun safety

v)     The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to accept responsibility in case of a failure

vi)   The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to treat all equally

vii) The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to prevent corruption

viii)         The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to use non-lethal methods first

ix)   The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to listen to their supervisor

x)     The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to control its officer’s mental state

xi)   The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to refuse any bribes

xii) The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to wear uniforms

c)    Section 3

i)      Every Cliff has its laws, and the Free Cliffs Police is obligated to enforce them

Every Cliff police department is obligated under law to cooperate to ensure justice in cliff-wide cases

d)   Section 4

i)      The Free Cliffs Police is being checked for corruption by the FOGB and is to answer all its requests

ii)    The Free Cliffs Police is obligated to answer every request of the Prosecutor’s Office

iii)   Only way to get out of these obligations is to send a request to the Supreme Court

4)   Article 3 The Free Cliff Prosecutors Office

a)    Section 1

i)      The Head of the Office is the Federal Chief Prosecutor

ii)    The Federal Chief Prosecutor names local district chief prosecutors

iii)   The Local Chief Prosecutor assigns cases, promotes the prosecutor levels, and prosecutes only in case of a corruption danger

iv)   The Federal Chief Prosecutor is named by the President and chosen by the minister of positive discrimination

v)     The Head shall be removed from office if they are found unable to fulfill their duties or guilty of a crime above 2nd degree

vi)   The Prosecutors are divided into classes based on their skills and qualities, for example, their win record

vii) The Class Three prosecutors handle day-to-day cases of degrees 1 to 4, these prosecutors can propose jail time, fines, or work for the government

viii)         The Class Two prosecutors handle more important cases of degrees 5 and 6. They can impose lifetime sentences or suggest the death penalty.

ix)   The Class One prosecutors handle only the most severe cases of degree 7 and they can impose any kind of penalty. Class one prosecutors oversee the investigations and hold high authority in the Free Cliff Police

x)     Prosecutors are promoted based on their skills

xi)   The prosecutor’s identification is a badge and a permit

xii) Class one prosecutors can order a police search of houses with a permit from a judge

xiii)         A prosecutor must pass the prosecution bar exam

b)   Section 2

i)      The prosecutor’s offices have the right to send requests to any police department on the cliffs

ii)    The prosecutor’s office powers may get limited or expanded by the cliff’s local governments

5)   Article 4 The Free Cliff Advocate Bar

a)    Section 1

i)      The bar consists of multiple attorneys with the Federal Chairman being the head

ii)    The Chairman is named by The President and chosen by The Minister of Positive Discrimination

iii)   Other members of the bar are chosen by the Minister of Positive Discrimination

iv)   The Head shall be removed from office if they are found unable to fulfill their duties or guilty of a crime above 2nd degree

v)     The Federal Bar names members of the local bar associations

vi)   The bar is responsible for giving and revoking advocate licenses

vii) The Advocate’s identification is a badge and a permit

viii)         An Advocate needs to pass the advocacy bar exam

b)   Section 2

i)      Every Cliff, or in the case of a larger cliff, regional bar associations exist separately as there is no need for them to interact

6)   Article 5 The Free Cliff Judge association

a)    Section 1

i)      The head of the Free Cliff Judge association is the Federal Supreme Judge

ii)    They are named by the President and selected by the Minister of Positive Discrimination

iii)   The Head shall be removed from office if they are found unable to fulfill their duties or guilty of a crime above 2nd degree

iv)   They name local Supreme Judges

v)     Local Supreme Judges select attorneys with qualifications for promotion to judges, the judges themselves are named by the Federal Supreme Judge

b)   Section 2

i)      A judge needs to be either an Advocate or Prosecutor for a certain time and they need to be selected by the Federal Supreme Judge

ii)    The judge’s identification is a jabot and a robe

iii)   The Judges are divided into basic and advanced judges

iv)   Basic sit at the first and second-level courts

v)     The Advanced Judges sit at the Highest Civilian Court

vi)   To be considered a candidate for a Supreme Court judge you need to be an Advanced Judge

vii) The Judge gives out permits for investigations into private property

viii)         Judges are the heads of the courtroom; they choose the proceedings and may choose to play music if they’d like to

ix)   Judge is required to issue a union between two citizens

x)     Judges must remain neutral and if they are not, they cannot preside over a case

xi)   The Judges have ultimate authority over the law system as they may choose to put out requests to the police, prosecutor’s office, and the bar at any moment

c)    Section 3

i)      The Basic Judge permit works only in the judge’s specific cliff

ii)    The Advanced Judge permit works for The Highest Civilian Court in Monstercliff, such a judge is expected to be knowledgeable in the laws of all cliffs and so can sit on any case from the greater USFC

iii)   The Judge Associations are protected by Federal Law and as such the local government can’t limit their powers

7)   Article 6 The Federal Organization of General Bureaucracy

a)    Section 1

i)      The head of the entire FOGB is the Chairman and Chief of the FOGB

ii)    Chief is named by the President and approved by the Senate

iii)   The Chief handles all secret operations

iv)   The Chief has access to all the USFC law documents

v)     The Chief stands above the Free Cliff Police and can propose firing the Chief, which is then sent to the president, who makes the decision

vi)   The Chief is obligated to stay loyal to their nation and not their or any other interests

vii) Failure in their obligations is considered a crime of 6th to 8th degree

b)   Section 2

i)      The FOGB is federal and has the ultimate rights in every cliff no matter the cliff laws

ii)    The Police Force is obligated to comply with FOGB decisions

c)    Section 3

i)      The FOGB is obligated to follow the     Free Cliff Police standards

ii)    To become an officer of the FOGB you need to be a Free Cliff Police major at least and selected by the FOGB recruiters

iii)   FOGB Officers receive a badge to identify themselves

8)   Article 7 Drug and Addictive Substances Administration

a)    Section 1

i)      This law establishes the Drug and Addictive Substances Administration (DASA)

b)   Section 2

i)      The Chief of DASA is named by the Federal Police Chief

ii)    The Head shall be removed from office if they are found unable to fulfill their duties or guilty of a crime above 2nd degree

iii)   They are responsible for coworking with the Free Cliff Police in drug-related investigations

iv)   They regulate the legal amounts of addictive substances and their legality within the law

c)    Section 3

i)      The DASA is separate in every cliff unless cooperation is needed

9)   Article 8 The Anti-Organized Crime Unit

a)    Section 1

i)      The law establishes the Anti-Organized Crime Unit (AOCU)

b)   Section 2

i)      The Chief of AOCU is named by the Federal Police Chief

ii)    The Head shall be removed from office if they are found unable to fulfill their duties or guilty of a crime above 2nd degree

iii)   The AOCU is specifically targeting investigations into organized crime

iv)   The Free Cliff Police works with them

c)    Section 3

i)      The AOCU is Federal and in every cliff

10)        Article 9 The USFC punishment and rehabilitation organization

a)    Section 1

i)      The Law establishes the USFC punishment and rehabilitation organization (PARO)

b)   Section 2

i)      The Chief of PARO is named by the President and chosen by the minister of positive discrimination

ii)    PARO takes care of punishments by the law systems

iii)   PARO oversees running

(1)    Labor Camps

(2)    Executions

(3)    Repossession of assets

(4)    Extorting payments

iv)   The Head of PARO names Wardens of Labor Camps

v)     PARO establishes the height of fines based on the current inflation

c)    Section 3

i)      The PARO establishes a USFC Labor Prison that takes care of prisoners and assigns them jobs for the state

ii)    The PARO executes levels 6,7 and 8 criminals

iii)   PARO repossessed assets as punishment

iv)   PARO extorts money for fines

11)        Article 10 Anti-Corruption Special Unit

a)    Section 1

i)      The head of ACSU is named by the Supreme Court and selected from the ranks of FOGB

ii)    The chief of ACSU selects employees from the ranks of other law institutions

iii)   The ACSU is responsible for corruption control in other institutions

iv)   The ACSU has the power to dismiss any employee of any institution if it finds them guilty of abusing power

v)     The heads of the legal institution can be requested to be dismissed to the Supreme Court and the President

12)        Article 11 Punishment Systems

a)    Section 1 Crime Degree 1 punishments

i)      Crimes can be punished maximally by low fines

b)   Section 2 Crime Degree 2 punishments

i)      Crimes can be punished by high fines

c)    Section 3 Crime Degree 3 punishments

i)      Crimes can be punished by high fines and community service

d)   Section 4 Crime Degree 4 punishments

i)      Crimes can be punished by high fines, community service, and jail time up to 20 years

e)    Section 5 Crime Degree 5 Punishment

i)      Crimes can be punished by high fines and jail time up to a lifetime

f)     Section 6 Crime Degree 6 Punishment

i)      Crimes can be punished by high fines, repossession, jail time to a lifetime

g)    Section 7 Crime Degree 7 Punishment

i)      Crimes can be punished by jail time, high fines, and the death penalty

h)   Section 8 Crime Degree 8 Punishment

i)      Crimes can be punished by lifetime jail, the death penalty, cliffhanger, or even public execution

i)     Section 9 Special Punishments

i)      If a judge is unsure, they may use a punishment method known as the cliffhanger

13)        Article 12 Ministry of Inner Corruption Rights

a)    Section 1

i)      The Ministry of Inner Corruption is considered the overseer of the Police, DASA, and AOCU

ii)    The Ministry of Inner Corruption works with the FOGB but is in no way a superior, The FOGB should give information to the MIC, unless the Chief deems it a conflict of interest, in such cases, they need to inform a different organ

iii)   The Ministry of Inner Corruption is responsible for checking corruption levels in its institutions

iv)   The Minister chooses the Chief of the Police

14)        Article 13 Ministry of Positive Discrimination Rights

a)    Section 1

i)      The Ministry of Positive Discrimination is considered the overseer of The Prosecutor’s Office, Attorney Bar, and Judge Association

ii)    The Ministry of Positive Discrimination checks for corruption in its institution

iii)   The Minister chooses chiefs of these institutions

b)   Section 2

i)      Minister of Positive Discrimination receives special qualifications from the Prosecutor and an Attorney and can stand in their position if the judge deems it necessary

15)        Article 14 The Powers of the President

a)    Section 1

i)      The President is the Lord Protector of the Law

ii)    The President gets to name all the heads of the law system

iii)   The President takes away immunity from figures

iv)   The President may release criminals under the presidential pardon

v)     The President has qualifications of The Police Chief, The Chief Prosecutor, and the Head of the Attorney Bar and as such may step in their roles unless stopped by the Supreme Court and if allowed by the sitting judge under special circumstances

vi)   The President is subjected to immunity unless all three other branches of political power vote against it

vii) If the president loses his immunity in any other position, his presidential one is revoked too

b)   Section 2

i)      The President may refuse to name a candidate only with a valid reason

ii)    These reasons being

(1)    Criminal Record

(2)    Poor qualification

(3)    Corruption past

(4)    History or ties to foreign powers

16)        Article 15 1st Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Going against city regulations

ii)    Smoking in public interiors

iii)   General Public indecency

iv)   Disrespecting traffic laws

v)     Inappropriate behavior in public transport

vi)   Disrupting peace after 22.00

vii) Getting visibly drunk in public

17)        Article 16 2nd Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Damage to privately owned items

ii)    Violence in the streets under influence of addictive substances

iii)   High public indecency

iv)   Disrespecting officers of the law

v)     Disrupting state-issued events

18)        Article 17 3rd Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Public brutal violence

ii)    Damage to private property

iii)   High level of addictive substances in the blood by DASA regulations

iv)   Disrupting the USFC traffic laws

19)        Article 18 4th Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Causing a lethal car crash

ii)    Stealing under 1000 us dollars

iii)   Assaulting an uninvolved civilian

iv)   Violence with health-related consequences

v)     Protecting Criminals

vi)   Promoting hateful ideologies against human rights

vii) Promoting undemocratic systems

viii)         Damaging public properties

ix)   Animal Cruelty

20)        Article 19 5th Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Robbery

ii)    Theft of over 1000 us dollars

iii)   Manslaughter in a special situation with guilt ease

iv)   Holding addictive substances above DASA regulations

v)     Animal Cruelty

vi)   Torture

21)        Article 20 6th Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Tax Fraud

ii)    Assaulting level 7 and higher officials

iii)   A singular case of murder

iv)   Robbery of State institutions

v)     Dotation fraud

vi)   Corruption

vii) Sexual Harassment

viii)         Torture

22)        Article 21 7th Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Murder

ii)    Premeditated Murder

iii)   Serial Murder

iv)   Robbery of over 100 000 us dollars

v)     Robbery of Government High-Security institutions

vi)   Rape and Sexual Assault

vii) Intercourse or violation below the age of consent

23)        Article 22 8th Degree Crimes

a)    Section 1

i)      Treason against the nation is an 8th-degree crime

ii)    Treason is defined as

(1)    Leaking documents

(2)    Aiding insurrection

(3)    Damaging democracy using earned political power

(4)    Threatening the stability of the nation

(5)    Protecting the interests of other nations above the interest of the USFC

(6)    Breaking or attempting to break human rights

(7)    Attempting a coup

(8)    Attempting to overthrow democratically elected officials

(9)    Aiding any kind of foreign military attack against the USFC

(10)Aiding foreign agencies and institutions without the permission of the USFC government

(11)Revealing information that is put under a strict classification

b)   Section 2

i)      No pardon is possible for these Crimes


24)        Article 23 Expanding of the List and Roles of the Cliffs

a)    Section 1

i)      From now on, crimes are divided into these degrees and future bills will use this division in their laws

b)   Section 2

i)      These laws apply to the capital of Reliberated Cliff, individual cliffs follow these laws until they choose to sign a bill that excludes them

ii)    8th-degree crimes are an exception, they apply to every cliff

25)        Article 24 Age of Consent

a)    Section 1

i)      The age of consent for all citizens is 18 years old

ii)    Only exceptions can be made for relationships above 15 years old within two years age gap


26)        Article 25 Ratification of this Bill

a)    Section 1

i)      This Bill goes into effect 2 minutes after signing

ii)    The Bill coexists with the constitution

iii)   The Bill can be edited after signing with a simple majority vote from the chambers

iv)   The signatures that are needed for this bill to pass are from the heads of the current superministries