List of Articles

Preamble. 4

Article 1: Constitutional Power 4

Article 2: Executive Power 13

Article 3: The Supreme Court 18

Article 4: The Cliffs 19

Article 5: Institutions 20

Article 6: Human Rights 21

Article 7: State Symbols and Territories 22

Article 8: War 23

Article 9: Oath of the Cliffs 24

Article 10: Amendments and How to do them. 24

Article 11: Original Ratification. 24

Amendments 25

First Amendment of the USFC constitution: The Royalty. 25

Article 12: The Royal Titles 25

Article 13: The Definitions of Titles 25

Article 14: The Powers of Royalty. 26

Article 15: Ratification of the First Amendment 26

The First Edit of the USFC constitution. 26

The Second Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Cliffhanger 27

Article 16: The Cliffhanger 27

The Third Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Equality of Unions 27

Article 17: The Cliff Unions 27

The Fourth Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Supreme Court Rights edits 27

Article 18: The Supreme Court Term Limits 27

Article 19: The Supreme Court Response. 27

Article 20: The Supreme Court vote rules 28

The Fifth Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The State Symbols Attachment 29

Article 21: The Flag of the United States of Free Cliffs 29

Article 22: Presidential Standard Symbol 30

Article 23: The Flag of the USSC. 31

Article 24: The Anthem of the USFC. 31

Article 25: The Coat of Arms of the USFC. 31

Article 26: The Musical Themes of USFC institutions 32

Article 27: The Colors of the USFC. 32

The Sixth Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Election Rights 33

Article 27: Election Rights 33

Article 28: Election Legitimacy. 33

The Seventh Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Naming of Representatives, Senators, and Government figures 33

Article 30: The Oath. 33

The Eight Amendment of the USFC constitution: Military ranks and honors 34

Article 31: The Titles 34

The Ratification of the First Constitutional Edit and the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Amendments 35

Article 32: Ratification. 35


(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution changes the minimal age to 16. 5

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution specifies this election to be the first, during which the USFC has enough citizens. 6

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the Constitution removes this point entirely. 8

(b)       The Presidential candidates require to be endorsed by approved institutions. The law can edit which institutions gain the right to do so. The Constitution grants to power to endorse to universities registered in the USFC, the Army, and non-profit organizations registered in the USFC. They also need to go through a psychological examination. The psychologist needs to be approved by the Senate. 8

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution adds the fact, that per Section 9, point II, there are compulsory meetings. 9

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution allows this if the USFC doesn’t have enough citizens. 10

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution adds, that a Senate veto can be passed with the President’s endorsement of a bill. 11

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution corrects the term to be the constitutional elections. These elections cannot be held during a lack of citizens. 12

(b)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution also assigns a term to this era; it shall be known as Early Stage USFC. 12

(c)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution removes the dismissal of the institutions of the National Gathering, the Senate, and the Presidential Office. 12

(d)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution removes the three Prime Ministers’ rule. 13

(e)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution defines that, in a case of a low citizen count, the representatives and senators are left vacant. It is left to the regional governments of the cliffs, to define their elections and elect members of the parliament. In case of no such government being in place, the President names a provisional Župan to do so. 13

(f)       The federal government is given all its rights to function normally if it has a majority in the National Gathering. 13

(g)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution permits the governments to use their own bills to hold elections during the early stage on a federal level. 13

(h)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution allows the Supreme Court to run without a full number of judges in a case of a low citizen count. 13

(i)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution allows the elected president to continue in a low citizen count indefinitely. Their term picks up again after the early stage is complete. 13

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution takes away the Prime Minister’s role of high commander and gives it to the Minister of Attack by proxy. 15

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution establishes the post of vice-prime minister, they shall be the second representative of the government 15

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution removes the general promotion. The Minister of Attack is the second Commander in Chief. 16

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution removes this point as bureaucracy is necessary. 18

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution edits this point. A 4/5 majority of the specific Cliffs representatives must agree. 20

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution adds the Free Cliff Air Force. 21

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution specifies that every citizen of the United States of Free Cliffs has the right to democratically elect the federal government no matter the political system of the cliff. 22

(a)       The April of 2023 edit of the constitution changes this to Also Sprach Zarathustra. 23



i)       We, the citizens of the United States of Free Cliffs, in our ambition to secure and perfect a new type of Government, filled with justice, bound by democracy, providing defense for everyone and bringing order to this world, establish the USFC original constitution to establish the start of a new era.


          Article 1: Constitutional Power


          Section 1: Legislative Power division

i)       All legislative power shall be vested in the USFC parliament, which consists of the National Gathering, the Senate, and the President's office.



          Section 2: National Gathering

i)      The National Gathering shall be elected every four years. The number of elected representatives is 200. The elections are separate from every cliff. Each cliff shall elect an equal number of representatives.

ii)     Any political party, which has received government approval can be elected. Each political party builds a numbered list of at least fifty candidates. Candidates are elected based on their number on the party's candidate list and the number of preference votes they receive. Preference votes have higher priority.


iii)   The preference votes are given by the citizens to their preferred individual candidates. To give a preference vote, citizen must highlight a candidate on the ballot.


iv)    Representatives need to meet special requirements. To run for an office, citizen must be at least 18 years old and a member of an established political party. Otherwise, it is impossible to make it onto a ballot.


(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution changes the minimal age to 16.


v)     In case of vacancy in a representative seat after an election, a new representative is selected by the political party that oversaw the seat at the time.


vi)    Each representative must be sworn in by the President, the President is obligated to do so.


vii)  The National Gathering is directly responsible for the ratification of the government of the USFC.


viii)          The National Gathering elects its speaker.


ix)    The Speaker’s second title is the Chairman of the Nation, and they call meetings and set up the program of the National Gathering.


x)     The representatives shall be compensated from the treasury unless the Ministry of Tax Fraud declares it impossible under budgetary issues.


          Section 3: The Senate

i)       The USFC Senate serves as the protector of democracy in the USFC. Each cliff gets an equal number of senators, in case of an equally indivisible number the virtual cliff chooses.

(a)    The June of 2023 edit of the constitution sets the number of senators in regular cliffs to 100. Additionally, there shall be 3 special seats held by the virtual cliff. In total there will be 103 senators


ii)     Immediately after the first USFC election, the Senate gets divided into three classes. Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the 2nd year, of the 2nd class at the expiration of the 4th year, and of the third class at the expiration of the 6th year. This is to ensure that every third of the Senate gets chosen every two years.


(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution specifies this election to be the first, during which the USFC has enough citizens.


iii)   In case of a vacancy due to death or resignation a special election is held within the next year. The senators elected during these elections stay in their predecessor’s election class, so they don't stay for the whole six-year term.


iv)    Every senator needs an endorsement from a government official to be put on a ballot. They also need to meet the age requirement of being at least 18.


v)     The Senate chooses its leader by a vote. The leader is chosen from the current sitting senators.


vi)    The Senate leader’s second title is the Warden of Democracy, the Senate leader chooses a date when the Presidential election takes place once the President’s term reaches its last year and is set to replace the President in case of a vacancy of VP post. They have no executive power but can serve as a representative of the USFC in foreign politics. They are the ones who call meetings and set up the program of the Senate.


vii)  The Senate is responsible for checking and passing every bill by the National Gathering.


viii)          The special role of the Senate is to impeach. The Senate is the only government body that can decide to impeach someone. Their impeachment, however, needs to be confirmed by the National Gathering.


ix)    In case of the National Gathering being dispersed, the Senate votes on naming the new ministers and appoints the new government from its seats.


x)     If at least 2/3 of senators vote for a Bill, it can automatically bypass the President's veto.






          Section 4: The President

i)       The President of the USFC is elected for 5 years under the second title of Lord Protector of the All-mighty Union.

ii)     The President of the USFC serves as the main representative of the USFC.

iii)   They are responsible for declaring elections during the expiration year of the official’s terms, appointing representatives, senators, and the government. They also have the right to completely disperse the National Gathering, with the approval of the Supreme Court, for reelection.

iv)    The USFC president shall be one of the two commanders in chief of the Free Cliff Army and the Free Cliff Navy; as such, they shall be consulted on the military operations of the army.

v)     They are also responsible for signing bills into law. Which grants them the power to veto them.

vi)    The President is elected along with the vice president, who will finish their term in case of vacancy. The Presidential election is a majority election. If one of the candidates fails to get 50% of the vote during the first round, a second one is declared. During the second round of the election, only the two candidates with the highest number of votes candidates are on the ballot.


vii)  The President needs to meet hard requirements for candidacy. They need to pass the USFC presidential psychology test. These tests are set to determine if the candidate is eligible to be called a protector of democracy. They also require support from two parties that reside in the National Gathering and endorsement from a government official from a foreign democratic country.


(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the Constitution removes this point entirely.

(b)   The Presidential candidates require to be endorsed by approved institutions. The law can edit which institutions gain the right to do so. The Constitution grants to power to endorse to universities registered in the USFC, the Army, and non-profit organizations registered in the USFC. They also need to go through a psychological examination. The psychologist needs to be approved by the Senate. 


          Section 5: The Chamber Power

i)       Each of the parliament chambers has its own rules of order. The rules are set by the current head of the chamber. The Chambers are allowed to expel a member if their current head decides to. In such cases, the expelled member is excluded from the entire meeting, and they are forced to abstain from voting. The reason for expulsion can be reported to the court for reevaluation. If the court finds the reasoning invalid, the entire voting process is invalidated.

ii)     The new elections must take place the year when the terms of the elected officials expire. The elections always take place on two days. The dates of the elections are set by elected officials. The President sets the election dates for the National Gathering and the Senate.  the Presidential election is set by the leader of the Senate. In case the President is unable to, the leader of the senate stands in their place.


          Section 6: The Chamber Rules

i)       The National Gathering must assemble at least once a year. The National Gathering is gathered by its speaker. In case the speaker does not do that, the National Gathering must assemble on the 12th of December every year. The National Gathering also assembles three weeks after its election.


ii)     The Senate gets gathered by its leader and it doesn't have any compulsory meetings.


(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution adds the fact, that per Section 9, point II, there are compulsory meetings.


iii)   The National Gathering and the Senate are constantly recorded to assure transparency. In case privacy is needed, they can vote to have a closed-door gathering. However, even in such cases, law enforcement and the President have access to the footage.


iv)    Each chamber must keep a journal recording all voting statistics and decisions made by the chamber.


          Section 7: The Chamber Privilege

i)       The Senators and representatives shall receive compensation for their services. The compensation will be paid from the treasury of the USFC unless the Ministry of Tax Fraud declares it impossible under budgetary issues.

ii)     They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of peace, be privileged from arrest during their terms as elected officials.

iii)   The members of the parliament cannot hold more than one office at a time.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution allows this if the USFC doesn’t have enough citizens.


          Section 8: National Gathering Legislative

i)       A Bill shall be proposed by a party faction in the National Gathering by delivering it to the speaker and requesting to put it into a program. The speaker cannot reject it.


ii)     The National Gathering is obligated to discuss every bill proposed. The National Gathering can also propose edits. In such a case, the edited bill is considered new, and it will be decided in a separate vote that will take place right after the original bill's vote.

iii)   A majority vote of the present representatives is needed to pass a Bill. In the case of both the normal and edited version passing. A new vote, choosing between these versions is held.



          Section 9: The Senate Legislative

i)       The Senate is required to get a bill passed

(a)    The June of 2023 edit of the constitution adds, that a Senate veto can be passed with the President’s endorsement of a bill.

ii)     The Senate must gather a maximum of two weeks after a bill passes through the National Gathering.


iii)   The Senate has to make sure that the bill is up to democratic standards. If it isn't, it is a moral obligation to reject it. Like the National Gathering, the Senate can edit bills, and the same voting rules apply.


iv)    If a Bill is edited by the Senate, the bill must return to be ratified by the National Gathering.


          Section 10: The Impeachment

i)       Impeachment procedures are set in motion by the Senate. The Senate may impeach the President, Prime Minister, individual ministers, judges, other high-ranking officials, and in the worst-case scenario the National Gathering.


ii)     The Impeachment can be proposed by any of the senators, but it needs to be accepted by the leader of the Senate. In such cases, a vote is held. If the Senate votes for Impeachment, the Impeachment moves to a different legislative body. The body is usually the National Gathering, with the exception being the Impeachment of the entire Gathering, in such cases the President takes to the role of it.


iii)   The moment the second legislative body lets the Impeachment through, it moves to the Supreme Court. Here the judges decide if it’s constitutional. If they agree, the impeached official is removed from office. If a Supreme Court judge is being impeached, the court does not pass the Impeachment, instead being replaced by the President in such a case.


          Section 11: The Origin Declaration

i)       The USFC secures during its early years a permanent position for its founders. The Planner is set to become a lifetime judge of the Supreme Court, the Builder is set to be a lifetime Minister of Inner corruption no matter what government is in charge. The Writer is set to become the USFC president for a lifetime.


ii)     The founders all state that they will resign from their positions in case the USFC democracy is stabilized. They shall not interfere with democratic principles.


iii)   The only way for them to get impeached is by a 100% vote from the National Gathering and the Senate, excluding the Planner himself, and a vote from the Supreme Court.


          Section 12: The Low Citizen Regulation

i)       In case the number of citizens falls below 1000, elections can't be held. In such cases, the three strongest political parties receive the three Prime Minister posts. Each of these posts combines multiple ministries and it is up to these appointed Prime Ministers to run them as they like. The National Assembly, the Senate, and the President's office are all dismissed in such cases.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution corrects the term to be the constitutional elections. These elections cannot be held during a lack of citizens.

(b)   The April of 2023 edit of the constitution also assigns a term to this era; it shall be known as Early Stage USFC.

(c)   The April of 2023 edit of the constitution removes the dismissal of the institutions of the National Gathering, the Senate, and the Presidential Office.

(d)   The April of 2023 edit of the constitution removes the three Prime Ministers’ rule.

(e)   The April of 2023 edit of the constitution defines that, in a case of a low citizen count, the representatives and senators are left vacant. It is left to the regional governments of the cliffs, to define their elections and elect members of the parliament. In case of no such government being in place, the President names a provisional Župan to do so.

(f)    The federal government is given all its rights to function normally if it has a majority in the National Gathering.

(g)   The April of 2023 edit of the constitution permits the governments to use their own bills to hold elections during the early stage on a federal level.

(h)   The April of 2023 edit of the constitution allows the Supreme Court to run without a full number of judges in a case of a low citizen count.

(i)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution allows the elected president to continue in a low citizen count indefinitely. Their term picks up again after the early stage is complete


          Article 2: Executive Power

          Section 1: The Definition

i)       All the executive power shall be vested in the USFC government consisting of the Prime Minister and his Ministers.


          Section 2: Formation

i)       The USFC government is formed by representatives elected to the National Gathering. The government can be formed by any party in the National Gathering that can gather majority support. First, the party needs to send its proposal to the speaker of the National Gathering. The speaker then sets a date for a vote of confidence. If the government proposal receives majority support, the President names them.

ii)     The proposal needs to include candidates for the Prime Minister and the obligatory ministries.

iii)   The proposal may include additional ministries to split power in the government.

          Section 3: Power Division

i)       The power is divided into the office of the Prime Minister and the ministries to prevent high power in the office of the Prime Minister.


          Section 4: The Prime Minister

i)       The Prime Minister's office is the most powerful post in the USFC. The Prime minister stands as one of the two high commanders of the army, along with the President. They represent the USFC in foreign relations. They oversee every action of the government. They are responsible for their government and are set to represent it.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution takes away the Prime Minister’s role of high commander and gives it to the Minister of Attack by proxy.

ii)     They are obligated to answer to the National Gathering and the Senate. If these chambers invite the Prime Minister, they are obligated to arrive.

iii)   The Prime Minister acts as a figurehead for the government.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution establishes the post of vice-prime minister, they shall be the second representative of the government


          Section 5: The Ministries

i)       The government power is divided into ministries. These ministries hold power over state institutions that fall under them. The governments are free to establish any ministries if the National Gathering agrees.

ii)     The parties set up ministries in their government plan. If the plan passes, the President names those ministries.

iii)   The USFC constitution declares a few obligatory ministries, to prevent the government from centralizing power in specific ministries.

iv)    The Ministry of Tax Fraud is established by the constitution to take care of the treasury of the USFC. All banking institutions fall under it. The leader of this Ministry is responsible for budget work.


v)     The Ministry of Attack is responsible for keeping the military forces working. The leader of this Ministry is automatically appointed as a general.


(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution removes the general promotion. The Minister of Attack is the second Commander in Chief.


vi)    The Ministry of Lands we don’t own, whose leader is responsible for the international dealings of the USFC. All embassies fall under this ministry.


vii)  The Ministry of Discrimination, responsible for the justice system in the USFC. It oversees the system and appoints prosecutors.


viii)          The Ministry of Inner Corruption is responsible for taking care of inner affairs and government institutions like the police, and firefighters.


ix)    The Ministry of Illnesses takes care of the Healthcare system.


          Section 6: Resignation Policy

i)       The posts of ministers can be submitted to impeachment. There are two ways to impeach a minister.

ii)     The ministers can choose to resign.

iii)   The Senate votes in the majority to impeach the minister for breaking the promise of democracy, being corrupt, or not fulfilling their job properly. In such cases the supreme court votes in three days to impeach or not.

iv)    The President can impeach a minister if they decide to, this decision must be however confirmed by the Supreme court.

v)     The National Gathering can submit an impeachment vote if a majority agrees the vote is final.

vi)    If the President, the Senate Leader, and the Prime Minister agree to impeach a minister, they can sign an impeachment together, removing the impeached from office immediately.

vii)  This however cannot bypass Article 1, section 11.

viii)          The government is obliged to find a replacement in three days after the post is vacant, if they choose not to do so, the President is free to choose a new minister until they do.

          Section 7: Fall of Governments

i)       The Prime Minister can be impeached by the National Gathering vote, the Senate and the Supreme Court vote, or the President’s decision, which has to be confirmed by the Supreme court.

ii)     The Prime Minister can choose to resign.

iii)   In such case the Governing party or coalition needs to provide a new candidate within two weeks of the initial impeachment or resignation.

iv)    In cases that the ruling party fails to do so, the government falls, and the Senate has to take its place until a new one can be named.

          Section 8: The Responsibilities

i)       The responsibilities of the USFC government go as:

ii)     To name state ran institutions,

iii)   Take care of foreign relations,

iv)    Protect the citizens,

v)     Keep the country running up to human rights standards by the United Nations,

vi)    Keep the infrastructure running,

vii)  Prevent Bureaucracy,

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution changes Prevent unnecessary bureaucracy to prevent unelected officials from gaining excessive power.

viii)          Preventing foreign nation power struggles in the USFC,

ix)    Fight corruption,

x)     Prevent power concentration,

xi)    Fight Anarchy.

          Section 9: Penalties

i)       In case the government is found guilty of breaking these responsibilities, the Senate is obligated to impeach them.

ii)     The final judgment of impeachment is up to the Supreme Court.

          Article 3: The Supreme Court

          Section 1: The Definition

i)       The judicial power of the USFC is vested in the court system of the USFC.

ii)     The USFC constitution is overseen by the Supreme Court of the United States of Free Cliffs.

iii)   The USFC Supreme Court consists of 13 judges.

iv)    These Judges are selected by the President and ratified by the National Gathering and the Senate majorities.

v)     The Judges shall be compensated for their work unless the Ministry of Tax Fraud declares it impossible under budgetary issues.

vi)    The Supreme Court oversees treaties, bills, and impeachment trials to make sure they are in line with the constitution.

vii)  In cases where corruption is suspected the Supreme Court can preside over civil cases to prevent such corruption. Such a request must be submitted by law enforcement.

          Section 2: Cliff Laws definition

i)       Every Cliff has its court system that depends on its laws and constitutions however these systems must answer to the USFC federal laws.




          Article 4: The Cliffs

          Section 1: Definition

i)       USFC consists of Cliffs.

ii)     Cliffs are land areas that have separate laws but fall under the Federal Government of the USFC.

          Section 2: Relation to the Federal Government

i)       The Cliffs have all the faith in the federal government to stay in line with the USFC federal laws and constitution.

ii)     The Cliffs have rights to their laws and regulations according to their needs.

iii)   Those laws must be in line with the federal laws, regulations, and the constitution.

iv)    The Cliffs have rights to their political system that will be subjected to Federal Government power.

v)     The Cliffs law enforcement works together. Arrest warrants apply to every Cliff.

vi)    The Cliffs are being submitted to Federal institutions.

          Section 3: Expansion

i)       If USFC was to be expanded by a new state, the candidate must submit a request.

ii)     The Request needs to be ratified by a majority of both chambers of the Federal Government and the President.

iii)   Once the request is ratified the candidate will become a member of the USFC one month after being signed by the President.

iv)    The candidate must edit their law to comply with the Federal Laws, Regulations, and the Constitution.

          Section 4: Government Grants

i)       The federal government grants military protection to the Cliffs.

ii)     The federal government uses its institutions to aid the Cliff.

iii)   The secret services grant its help to the Cliffs.

iv)    The federal government controls the budget and taxes of the Cliffs.

v)     The federal government has the power to dissolve the cliff government if all chambers of the parliament agree.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution edits this point. A 4/5 majority of the specific Cliffs representatives must agree.

vi)    The Cliffs have a right to elect members of the Federal Government, and the parliament is divided equally between the cliffs.




          Article 5: Institutions

          Section 1: Establishing the Institutions

i)       The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Army, the military unit of the USFC.

ii)     The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Navy, the navy of the USFC.

iii)   The USFC established the Federal Organization of General Bureaucracy.

iv)    The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Bank that manages the USFC financial system.

v)     The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Trade Commission, which controls the market.

vi)    The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Space Force, which researches space.

vii)  The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Advocate Bar which is responsible for law practitioners.

viii)          The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Prosecutors Office which is responsible for prosecuting cases.

ix)    The USFC establishes the Free Cliff judge association that handles non supreme court judges.

x)     The USFC establishes the Free Cliff Police as primary law enforcement.

xi)    The USFC can establish any new organizations through the federal government.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution adds the Free Cliff Air Force.

          Article 6: Human Rights

          Section 1: Human Rights guarantee

i)       Human rights are granted to the citizens, these are included in Section 2.

          Section 2: List of Human Rights

i)       Citizens have a right to equality right after birth.

ii)     Citizens have a right to no discrimination.

iii)   Citizens have a right to live in a world without slavery.

iv)    Citizens have a right to not suffer under torture.

v)     Citizens have a right to use the law.

vi)    Citizens have a right to stand equal in front of the law.

vii)  Citizens have a right to be treated fair by the court.

viii)          Citizens have a right to trial.

ix)    Citizens have a right to be innocent until proven guilty.

x)     Citizens have a right to privacy unless they are considered a criminal.

xi)    Citizens have a right to Nationality.

xii)  Citizens have a right to Asylum.

xiii)          Citizens have a right to freedom of religion.

xiv)Citizens have a right to a safe workplace.

xv)  Citizens have a right to receive wages.

xvi)Citizens have a right to safety.

xvii)         Citizens have a right to protest.

xviii)       Citizens have a right to praise the founders.

xix)Citizens have a right to vote.

xx)  Citizens have a right to democracy.

xxi)Citizens have a right to own property.

xxii)         Citizens have a right to fund companies.

xxiii)       Citizens have a right to fund political parties.

xxiv)       Citizens have a right to make contracts.

xxv)         Citizens have a right to enter a legal partnership with any other citizen above 18 years old.

xxvi)       Citizens have a right to freedom of speech.

xxvii)      Citizens have a right to family.

xxviii)    Citizens have a right to assemble.

xxix)       Citizens have a right to social security.

xxx)         Citizens have a right to work.

xxxi)       Citizens have a right to Social Services.

xxxii)      Citizens have a right to education.

xxxiii)    Citizens have a right to rest and holidays.

xxxiv)    Citizens have a right to culture and art.

xxxv)      Citizens have a right to freedom in the world.

          Section 3: Human Rights Additionally

i)       The Human rights can’t be revoked and are up to date with UN human rights.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution specifies that every citizen of the United States of Free Cliffs has the right to democratically elect the federal government no matter the political system of the cliff.

          Article 7: State Symbols and Territories

          Section 1: State Territories

i)       The USFC at the time of the signing of the constitution is signed territory consisting off:

ii)     The Reliberated Cliff is founded between Croatia and Serbia at the Danube River,

iii)   The Eternal Sand Cliff is founded in Bir Tawil,

iv)    The Snowbelle Cliff us founded on Marie Byrd land.

v)     This is the USFC territory, and it shall be protected by it.

          Section 2: State Symbols

i)       Monstercliff of the Reliberated Cliff is the capital city.

ii)     The Anthem is Nation Never Giving Up.

iii)   The national bush is the Yew.

iv)    The national animals are female crab and female snake.

v)     The national motto is “Who the hell said we couldn’t do it?”

vi)    the Presidential hymn is the Great Revival.

(a)    The April of 2023 edit of the constitution changes this to Also Sprach Zarathustra

vii)  The state symbols of the Union of Soviet Socialist Cliffs are still protected under the law.

          Article 8: War

          Section 1: How to Start a War Guide

i)       War and emergency must be confirmed by the parliament.

ii)     The request to start a war can only be submitted by the President or the Prime Minister.

iii)   Capitulation is an execution-worthy war crime, and no citizen is allowed to participate in it.

iv)    In case of a war a draft may take place if both chambers agree to it with a majority vote.


          Article 9: Oath of the Cliffs

          Section 1: The Oath

i)       A special oath can be placed upon the person titled the oath of the Yew.

ii)     The oath stands as “I swear to the great Yew that I will pay with my life in case I don’t tell the truth”.

iii)   Breaking the Oath can result in the death penalty.

          Article 10: Amendments and How to do them.

          Section 1: The Guide

i)       Amendments can be added to the constitution if two-thirds of the National Gathering and the Senate vote to.

ii)     The constitution can be fully edited in case every member of the chambers agrees.

          Article 11: Original Ratification

          Section 1: The Original Ratification

i)       This constitution is ratified by the agreement of the current heads of the Three Ministries, also known as the Supreme Founders.

ii)     This constitution is only to be temporary as a higher quality constitution will be needed and it will be worked on once the state reaches out to experts.

iii)   This constitution is to be scrapped after the parliament and the President approve a new one.

iv)    This constitution cannot be scrapped if the new constitution does not include said articles and sections Article1 Section11 and the entirety of Article 6.

v)     And it also can’t be scrapped if it doesn’t meet the UN criteria for a democratic nation.

vi)    The new constitution must have the founder’s seal.

vii)  This constitution becomes legal hour after signing.

viii)          This constitution ratifies the Original Foundation of the United States of Free Cliffs.

ix)    After the signing of the constitution the titles of the founders are given to the signed by law.



          First Amendment of the USFC constitution: The Royalty

i)       Constitutional Right to royal titles and the establishment of the USFC family of Lords. The USFC will be offering some of its most loyal citizens as a reward. These carry no meaning but prestige and reward and they shall be treated as such.


          Article 12: The Royal Titles

          Section 1: The Process of gaining a title

i)       The President rewards citizens with their titles based on their own selection within the stances of Section 2.

ii)     The candidates can be suggested by other chambers of the parliament.

iii)   The royals can have their titles removed by the Supreme Court.

iv)    the President can also take away Royal titles.

          Section 2: The Candidacy mandates

i)       Candidates need to have aided the USFC to a high extent, extent is defined by the Ministry of Tax Fraud.

ii)     Candidates need to have clean records within the USFC.


          Article 13: The Definitions of Titles

          Section 1: The Titles

i)       The titles have a hierarchy, here they shall be listed from lowest to highest:

ii)     Knight of the Yew

iii)   Zeman

iv)    Baron

v)     Lord

vi)    Macabre

vii)  Count

viii)          Duke

ix)    Marquess

x)     Lord Marquess

xi)    Lord Marquess is exclusive to the President.


          Article 14: The Powers of Royalty

          Section 1: and why there are none

i)       Royal titles have no effect on everyday lives.

ii)     Royals carry no privileges.

          Article 15: Ratification of the First Amendment

          Section 1: The Ratification

i)       This amendment of the Constitution is ratified and entered into the Constitution in line with Article 10, Section 1.


          The First Edit of the USFC constitution

          Section 1: Description

i)       The constitution of the United States of Free Cliffs receives edits of grammar and simplicity to make it more comprehensible and understandable.

ii)     These changes do not interfere with the meaning of any article.

iii)   The constitution also receives several highlighted edits, each of which is ratified by every member of the chamber.




          The Second Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Cliffhanger

          Article 16: The Cliffhanger

          Section 1: The Definition

i)       The Cliffhanger is the USFC equivalent of the death penalty.

ii)     This process only happens during the direst times of the USFC and shall not be abused.


          The Third Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Equality of Unions

          Article 17: The Cliff Unions

          Section 1: The Unions Equality

i)       Establishes the cliff union, which is the only legal partnership of the United States of Free Cliffs

ii)     Cliff unions, as the USFC form of legal partnership, functions with all applicable human rights as defined in Article 6, section 2

iii)   Federal government supports any and all types of partnership from around the world, however, they are approached as aCliff Union by the federal law


          The Fourth Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Supreme Court Rights edits

          Article 18: The Supreme Court Term Limits

          Section 1: The Terms

i)       The Supreme Court has terms of 5 years.

ii)     The Terms can be renewed 6 consecutive times.

iii)   The same applies for the head of the Supreme Court.

          Article 19: The Supreme Court Response

          Section 2: Response Limits

i)       The Supreme Court Judges have to deliver their judgments one week after the final statements have been delivered.

ii)     In case of not meeting their deadlines repeatedly, they can be fined or fired from the Supreme Court on a suggestion of the Minister of Discrimination or the President.

          Article 20: The Supreme Court vote rules

          Section 1: Rules of a Tie

i)       In case the Supreme Court can’t make a decision or ties in a vote, the case is dismissed.


          The Fifth Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The State Symbols Attachment


          Article 21: The Flag of the United States of Free Cliffs

          Section 1: The Official Flag of the USFC


          Section 2: Official Flipped Version of the Flag


          Section 3: Official Tragedy Version of the Flag

i)       This flag is to be hanged during mourning or reminder of other tragic events.


          Article 22: Presidential Standard Symbol

          Section 1: The Presidential Standard symbol




          Article 23: The Flag of the USSC

          Section 1: The Flag of the USSC


          Article 24: The Anthem of the USFC

          Section 1: The Anthem Lyrics


          Article 25: The Coat of Arms of the USFC

          Section 1: The Coat of Arms




          Article 26: The Musical Themes of USFC institutions

          Section 1: The USFC parliament

i)       The Fanfare of the USFC parliament is the Yakety Sax.

          Section 2: The Military

i)       The Fanfare of the Armed Forces is the Entry of the Gladiators.

          Section 3: The Supreme Court

i)       The Fanfare of the Supreme Court is utter silence for a minute.

          Article 27: The Colors of the USFC

          Section 1: The Colors





          The Sixth Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Federal Election Rights

          Article 27: Federal Election Rights

          Section 1: The Rights

i)       Each federal election shall be direct and democratic, and each citizen’s vote shall be kept a secret by the law.

          Article 28: Federal Election Legitimacy

          Section 1: Supreme Court rule

i)       In case of a suspected fraud or suspicion of unlawfulness of a federal election, the parties can report such finding to the supreme court, it is then up to them what they decide.


          The Seventh Amendment of the USFC Constitution: The Naming of Representatives, Senators, and Government figures

          Article 30: The Oath

          Section 1: The Oath

i)       I swear to the glory of the beautiful cliffs, to the glory of their citizens, to the glory of their history to serve this nation with full passion in heart and only the best for it in my mind. My heart and soul shall burn for the Cliffs and for my mandate.

          Section 2: Usage

i)       In case of naming all government officials they shall swear to this oath, no exceptions.




          The Eight Amendment of the USFC constitution: Military ranks and honors

          Article 31: The Titles

          Section 1: The Titles

i)       The USFC armed forces require a clear structure and in order to keep such structure the constitution establishes these prestigious titles.

ii)     These posts are granted by the President with the recommendation of Minister of Attack or other government bodies.

iii)   The titles are only revoked by force, on a request of the parliament. The titles continue with the titled into their retirement, however they don’t hold power anymore.

iv)    These titles are for the Free Cliff Army, from lowest to highest: One Star General, Two Star General, Three Star General, Four Star General, Five Star General and special honorable title of Grand General, who is rewarded with ten stars and ten golden yews.

v)     These titles are for the Free Cliff Navy and Air Force, from lowest to highest: One Star Admiral, Two Star Admiral, Three Star Admiral, Four Star Admiral, Five Star Admiral and Grand Admiral, who is rewarded with ten stars and then golden yews.

vi)    These titles are for the Free Cliff Space Force, from lowest to highest: One Star Moff, Two Star Moff, Three Star Moff, Four Star Moff, Five Star Moff and special honorable title of Grand Moff, who is rewarded with ten stars and ten golden yews.

vii)  Those, who have achieved the Grand rank shall serve as the spokesmen for their branch of the army for the federal government.





The Ratification of the First Constitutional Edit and the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Amendments

          Article 32: Ratification

          Section 1: The Ratification Argument

i)       The Constitutional edits and amendments are ratified after all current government officials sign it, proving it passed the vote.

ii)     The Constitution is edited, however its original state stands, hereby the USFC continues to exist as the same state, bound by the same document.