The Bill of the Former Union Cliff


This bill establishes how the Virtual Cliff works within the Constitution of The United States of Free Cliffs.

1)    Article 1

a)     Section 1

i)       The Cliff shall be known as The Former Union Cliff

b)     Section 2

i)       The territory of this cliff consists of all virtual spaces of the USFC including communication channels and virtual colonies

2)    Article 2

a)     Section 1

i)       The Former Union Cliff's capital city is Stalineville in the Virtual Cliff Minecraft server.

ii)      The anthem of the Former Union Cliff is Tis for Thee

3)    Article 3

a)     Section 1

i)       The Virtual Cliff shall be governed by 3 councilmen, the number may increase if all the current council members agree

4)    Article 4

a)     Section 4

After the parliament is divided in between the cliffs the virtual cliff receives an equal number of representatives in the national gathering as the other cliffs, in cases where there is a leftover seat, that would break the equality of the cliffs, the virtual cliff gains the seat.

In the senate, the virtual cliff doesn’t have a full cliff status and it will only elect a number of senators that remain after a clear division of senators between full-status cliffs

b)     Section 5

i)       The elections in the virtual cliff are being held online and any full-level citizen can vote there

ii)      Until the first land cliff election, the virtual cliff may hold elections separately

iii)    Representatives and Senators from the virtual cliff have terms that expire once a new election for their seat is held

iv)    The Virtual Cliff cannot participate in referendums and presidential elections

5)    Article 5

a)     Section 1

i)       Two minutes after this bill is signed, it enters the law

ii)      The Former Union Cliff is established

iii)    This Cliff can be disbanded if the USFC parliament votes in favor

iv)    To disband this cliff, the cities of Monstercliff, Buřičingrad and Hottenheim need to be established