The USFC traditions

The United States of Free Cliffs holds several odd traditions. These traditions are usually country specific. This article should serve as your guide toward truly understanding the oddities of the United States of Free Cliffs. This article is a basic explanation of some of the USFC’s traditions. We shall begin with our grandest tradition, Jokespeak.

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Jokespeak is the special language quirk of the United States of Free Cliff. In the USFC, institutions can have and usually have two names. These are the official name and a joking name. For example, our Ministry of Finance is primarily known as the Ministry of Tax Fraud. These names exist as an inside joke at the corruption and stupidity of our current world, something the USFC aims to change. In order to feel fresh and have people chuckle all day, we have this tradition.

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One of the most confusing traditions in our country is the lack of sensitivity towards controversial figures. The USFC dislikes the current trend of ignoring parts of history because it’s considered sensitive. The USFC celebrates the journey of humanity towards its time. The USFC celebrates the worst and the best in humanity. We at USFC believe history isn’t to be forgotten. This is why a lot of things in the USFC are named after historical figures, both the ones who stood on the right or wrong side of history. We like to poke fun at what was because it’s an effective way of remembering it. For example, we want the Free Cliff Trade Commission to reside on Lenin’s Avenue.

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This style of ours is an effective reminder of what bad or good has led us here, we should never forget our past to see how far we got.

The other part of the USFC is our holidays and festivals. The USFC’s culture is built on uniting this world. The USFC holidays are all built around that. The USFC is filled with celebrations meant to unite others. We love concerts for example. There are multiple holidays built around uniting people to sing together. We believe singing unites us all and the Cliffs love singing.

The final tradition I would like to mention is the meme culture. The USFC loves humor. It likes being based. It loves funniness. The USFC was built on the idea of the Internet culture. It loves the internet and loves how it works. The USFC always admired the way a lot of strangers across the world came together to do great things or do some fun trolling. It was the Internet, which became the inspiration for the USFC, so our culture is strongly influenced by it.