USFC and its religion

In USFC you have all the religious freedom you need. You can believe and practice all the world religions. The USFC federal government makes it clear that any religion is welcome in the USFC. The Cliffs believe that discrimination againts some religions are getting out of hand, which is why beliefs are strongly protected. It should be noted that religion and politics shall not interfere together under any case.

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As far as statistic go, the USFC is primarily irreligious with a Christian minority.

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The Christians in the USFC hold pride in the crusader era and consider themselves the successors of the crusaders, so on Christian holidays, it is typical to march in Crusader-inspired outfits.

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When it comes to other religions, the USFC has the plan to build a worship spot for every major religion. As of right now, there are only two places of worship being the Cathedral of John's Revalation and the Church of Saint Thomas in the virtual cliff, which were build by christian minorities. The government is planning to build a mosque soon along with a synagogue. .


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We encourage religious freedom and welcome all forms of it.