Holidays of the USFC

What kind of Nation doesn’t have holidays?

At the USFC, we also celebrate a few holidays! United States of Free Cliffs is notorious for its wide variety of cultural wonders. As a mostly Christian nation, it celebrates classic Christian holidays like Christmas or Easter similarly to the Czech Republic. USFC also celebrates the USA-centered Halloween. The Traitor of the Union is one of the most popular costumes in all the nation because it is just scary.

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The way Valentine’s Day (14th of February) is celebrated might differ a little from the other countries. As a cause for gender equality dates pays for their meals. It is a special tradition for men to roleplay the founders. Though the Supreme Founders consider it disgusting the law allows it.

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New Year’s Eve is a special day for the USFC, as our country prides itself on the greatest new year’s celebration on earth. As USFCs laws allow citizens to celebrate it in any style they wish to if the authorities are informed. This allows USFC to be the only country where you can see any cultural traditions in one place. At 11 PM the country gathers for the speech of the Founders. These speeches are then followed by a grand concert called Year Welcoming where the biggest artists in the world perform their songs. Of course, the fans of local music won't get disappointed either because the national artist Buřičin also performs his megahits there. When it gets close enough to midnight, all three founders line up on the stage and sing a glorious song. The full playlist of the concert is released in advance. (The release date for this year is set to September 20th)

On the 1st of April, we have April Fools. The day of craziness when almost everything is allowed. Policemen are more lenient to people by 50% and anyone can prank anyone but the level 8 and higher officials impeccably.

In USFC we also celebrate a half birthday. It's the exact opposite day of the year to your real birthday. You get an e-mail from the government.

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As in every modern state, we have pride, but a different pride. Our pride week starts at the end of July and ends on the 3rd of August. However, our pride is not LGBTQ exclusive but for everyone. The pride is not some kind of degeneracy protest but a peaceful gathering. Inappropriate behavior is unacceptable, and pride is for everyone. White, Black, Gay, or Straight? We don’t care, we are just proud to be cliffers.

USFC celebrates a few specific holidays. The most famous ones being the Independence Day and the Founders’ days.

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Independence Day is celebrated on the 24th of February. Among the celebrations is a large military exhibition in the capital city of Monstercliff, a minute of declaration of glory to the founders, and the most famous concert of the glorious national band - Cliffband. The final attraction of Independence Day is burning the Traitor of the Union paper cutout and a grand speech of all the founders. Before the clock hits midnight, the national anthem Nation Never Giving Up is sung, and the fireworks go out.

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There’s also Union Day, celebrating the foundation of the USSC. It is celebrated on the 7th of September. On this day it is a custom to visit graveyards to pay respect to the fallen. During the morning few left-oriented songs are played, for example, L’Internacionale. Before midnight the International Anthem of The USSC is sounded. Exactly at midnight, the USFC anthem takes over.

This is considered a sad day for the USFC.

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An important day for all the cliffs is Cibulka Day, named after a fighter against totality Petr Cibulka. On Cibulka day we celebrate freedom and pendulums. Yes, I said pendulums. As Petr Cibulka is a master at figuring out our information using those. But why do founders celebrate such a politician? It’s Petr Cibulka and his determination to continue what he does that we find admirable. He was right about Ukraine, could he be right about more? March for Petr Cibulka is held on this day. This day not only serves as a tribute to him but also as a tribute to others like him. Historical figures that are underpraised. Now, we do understand how stupid it may seem. But think about it, how many so called lunatics were right in the end? That is why we celebrate Cibulka day, for all the other forgotten fighters on May 29th.

The Founders’ days are the second most important holiday in USFC. There are three in total. The first two are on the 3rd and 4th of August. Though they take place right after, they are very different in spirit.

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The 3rd of August, known as J Day, is the first Founder’s Day. The yearly Cliff Pride ends on this day, and J Day is considered its finale. J Day carries the spirit of acceptance, love, and joy. During J Day the streets are colored red and pink to symbolize passion and joy. The big parade at the end is ended by a speech by the celebrated founder The Writer and after the speech, a grand concert begins as the night transitions into the next Founder’s Day. J Day is a symbol for one of the reasons for USFCs creation. Acceptance and the ability to be yourself.

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The 4th of August is known as K Day, and it celebrates USFCs founder The Planner. The K Day celebrations begin right at midnight, as during the concert, right at midnight, the founders sing a duet to hand over the day. The symbol of K Day is loyalty and trust. During K Day a traditional Klan and military parade take place. Showing the strength of the USFC holding together. The colors of the K Day are black and dark blue to symbolize the forever-holding strength of the cliffs. At the end of the day, the celebrated founder holds a speech and then proceeds to sing the anthem.

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The final Founder’s Day is T Day. Taking place on the 29th of December. The theme of this day is logic, hope, and belief. Even in the darkest days, USFC stood tall, and this day celebrates it. This day is much calmer than the others. It is a must to go to church on this day as metal concerts are being held there on T Day. As do all the other days, T Day has its colors, those being Cyan and Gold, tying back to Christian traditions and showing the brightness of the USFC. T Day finishes with a speech by the celebrated founder The Builder.

These are the Holidays of the USFC.

We hope you will enjoy them just like we do!