History of the USFC

Every nation has its history and its figures. That is what defines them right? Well, you may have never heard of the USFC, but even we do have history.

Our true origin dates back centuries to a person we call The One True Emperor. The Emperor is a man of legend. The legend of the united world. This emperor, centuries before us, wanted to unite the world. Many carried his idea of a united world, but not in the same way this emperor did.

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This Emperor died a brutal death, thanks to a betrayal. The USFC has also survived betrayals and that is where our story begins.

Where it Started

The Union of Soviet Socialist Cliffs was born in November 2021. We need to understand that this wasn't a country. It was a group. A group of people, who trusted each other. This group was funded by the Supreme Founders. The group was built on trust and friendship. They all stood as allies. The USSC was a group built on support and this continued into the year 2022.

It was at this moment that the evil Traitor of the Union joined our ranks. The Traitor wanted to know the secrets of the government and wanted to be close to the founders. They managed to become an ally to the government and the founders considered them a friend.

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The Union of the Soviet Socialist Cliffs

It needs to be stated that USSC was not communist. It was mostly an inside joke between the founders. The anthem of the USSC was Be glorious, our free Swampland! The USSC continued stably until the end of January 2022. That is when the Traitor made their move. The Traitor was slowly distancing themselves from the USSC and began antagonizing the Founders. The reason to this day is unknown. The Traitor leaked their secrets to the public. The Planner held the Traitor close to his heart and it was painful for him. The Builder was getting his authority undermined and the Writer was devastated by the secrets that got out. It was also at this moment the war in Ukraine was coming to its beginning and the founders no longer liked being the USSC. However, it turned out that the idea of being one united country was exactly what the founders needed to overcome this situation. These times are considered the darkest era of our history and they were detrimental to the foundation of the USFC. The DEFCON system was invented, and the first two operations ever conducted commenced. These operations would lead to the fall of the Union and the rise of the States. The operation Underlord and operation Orange Dusk. Not much is known about these operations, the only thing surely known is that Underlord was executed by the Builder and that Orange Dusk was executed by the Writer. These operations took an entire month to complete, they finished on the 24th of February. It was the day the war in Ukraine has begun.

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As for the Traitor, they are still out there, considered enemies to the USFC. The burning of a caricature of The Traitor of the Union is a national tradition on holidays.

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Founding of the United States of Free Cliffs

It was also on the 24th of February that the USFC was founded. The event is considered legendary as the three founders celebrated their victories in a restaurant where they have coincidentally become friends in the first place, an idea came to the mind of the Writer. He stood up and held a small speech. He realized that the operations that they have pulled off were impressive and pointed out, how they could achieve much more. After a long discussion, the Supreme Founders have received a brilliant vision. In the myths of the USFC, the mascot of the USFC Grandpa Clifford and the mysterious entity named Garlic were involved, but that's just a legend. What we know for sure, is that the USSC was dissolved on this day and the founders have written the first declaration of the United States of Free Cliffs.

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The Continuation

The founders have started working relentlessly. The Revolutionary and The Druid have joined the government. It was at this moment, that the United States of Free Cliffs have entered the Great Existence War. The Cherfuk Initiative appeared with the intention to destroy the USFC morals. They were skepticists and wanted to destroy the USFC using psyops. This war lasted around half a year. During this war, even the Traitor returned. It was a difficult conflict, but it did aid the USFC in the end. The USFC turned it around against the initiative. They managed to integrate the enemies of the Traitor and the initiative into the USFC. After doubling the power of the funding members, the Cherfuk collapsed and the Traitor ran away again. Do not be mistaken. The USFC still has its eyes on them. This conflict only proved our ability to rule.

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The myths

What you have just read was the article about factual history of the USFC. All that we have mentioned are real events that have taken place. There are also the myths. Some of these myths are confirmed, some of these aren't. The myths are found in the Bizzare Stories section.

And as of right now, the USFC continues to work on bringing the future now. Creating its culture and bringing it to you.

We welcome you to join us in writing history with the USFC.