Historical figures of the USFC

The USFC has a short but sweet history and part of this history are its figures. Here we shall discuss these figures in detail.

The founders of the USFC

The Writer, The Planner, and The Builder.

If you ever read a thing about the USFC, you surely heard these names before. You must have also asked yourself who are they. Well, you are at the right place. This is all about the founders. And let's start right away.

The Founders were three friends who called themselves the Čtvrtečníci, every Thursday they would gather. Eventually, they would meet online and that's where our story started. (More in History of the USFC)

And to the founders themselves.

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The Builder

The Builder, like the other founders, comes from the Czech Republic. He comes from an unknown village in a heavily communist region. Despite all the disadvantages of his origins, he proved himself to be a genius very early. Having perfect marks his entire life, it was fated for him to join such a cause as the USFC. Unlike the other founders who are dreamers, his skill holds the belief of the USFC together. He as a Christian always believed in the right thing and that was proven when he and the other founders created this country. The Builder's skill and knowledge lead the USFC to a great future.

What The Builder lacked was passion and the inspiration to create such beauty as his masterpiece the USFC. This inspiration was what he found with the other founders and together with them, he built the USFC from the ground up. The Builder is wise, respected, and knowledgeable, a great asset to the USFC. Unfortunately, his liking of alcohol is sometimes a threat to the glory of the USFC, but his resolve to get rid of it is ever-burning. We celebrate The Builders Day on the 29th of December. On this day we celebrate his knowledge and his passion for logic and Christianity. He is also the Leader of the CUP party and the lifetime Minister of Internal Corruption.

The Builder is a force of pure intellect and the main protector of the USFC. His game of chess is much larger than you think, and he already has 10 ways to checkmate you prepared. That is why he owns the nickname The Grandmaster of the USFC.

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The Planner

The Planner originates from a small South Moravian village. His origins as humble as he never stood out. He played floorball and he was a captain of a small team at one point. Now you may be thinking how unimpressive this is and you are right. The Planner doesn't stand out. He is completely normal. But there's a reason why he's written as the author of the flag, the anthem, and why he is our geographical expert. You see, only brilliant minds can notice other brilliant minds. And that's what the other founders noticed. An untapped potential. The Planner might be the least smart out of the founders and he may lack passion, but when pushed further he reaches greatness. He's got a great future ahead as the founder's strengths and weaknesses complement each other.

With the help of the founders, he will certainly reach that goal. We celebrate The Planner’s Day on the 4th of August. On this day we celebrate the Trust of the founders and the military strength of the USFC. He is also the leader of the KKKK party and the lifetime leader of the Senate.

The Planner is the creativity of the USFC. His color palate has twice the colors of a normal painter and his work always has a flavor that you never tasted before. That is why he owns the nickname The Muse of the USFC.

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The Writer

The Writer comes from one of the largest cities in the Czech Republic. Since he was young everyone knew he was different. He displayed a great ability to inspire and manipulate others. He also had a great knowledge of politics. His ambition was also high, but the problem was what he lacked. He was shy and lacked the skill to support his ambition. There was no one who understood his ideals. Then the other founders joined him. They understood. And let his passion run wild while limiting him. The Writer is an insane egomaniac that needs people who know when to stop him. His explosive personality and strong charisma granted USFC life and personality while the other founders kept him in line. He is the voice of the USFC and his being different makes the USFC the freshest news in the world of politics. He is passionate, cunning, and very charming. He is known for talking himself out of any situation. Unfortunately, these skills make it hard for others to determine when he's joking or not. These skills have only been able to form thanks to finding an environment that allowed him to prosper. The Writer’s passion and charisma set him apart from all the other corrupt leaders of this world as he will always stand with his citizens. The Writer’s Day is celebrated on the 3rd of August. On this day we celebrate self-acceptance and passion. The Writer is the lifetime president of the USFC.

The Writer is the wild card of the USFC. Behind the smile of a charming personality is a calculating person who knows exactly who he is dealing with. While you play the obvious move, he has already found an unpredictable way to win. That is why he owns the nickname The Mastermind of the USFC.

The Founding Parents

Our great Supreme Founders had their allies join them in their fight. These allies still stand as the building blocks of the future USFC.

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The Revolutionary

This mysterious and eccentric man is the backbone of the USFC military power. He is the first USFC scholar and is usually seen as the opposition of the government, considering he is a fan of communism. However, he is an important ally and one of the first individuals the Supreme Founders have reached out to. So there must be reason. Perhaps this mysterious man has something only the wisest can recognize.

The Druid

They are certainly a mystery to say the least. We don't know much about them. What we do know is their relationship to nature is strong and animals are fond of them. That is the reason why their nickname is the druid. The Druid is the current head of the Plus movement and they are expected to receive a strong leading role in the new first elected government. So what can we really say is just one thing. The Druid is someone the Supreme Founders respect, which speaks of their value.

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The Helper

The Helper is a bright lady, who brings a lot of compassion that speaks to hearts of all. While she keeps her hands of too political matters and prefers to bring fresh air, using culture, for example, her influence can't be understated. The Writer once said that she is one of the few people who can show The Builder how to be human. A compliment from a Supreme Founder says it all.

The Experimentalist

An eccentric young lady to say the least. She is very difficult to describe so I will leave it at that. However I shall tell you one thing. The Supreme Founders know their stuff and if she was selected to join The Builder in CUP, she must be someone. She also currently serves as the Spokesperson for The Writer. Which is a very odd choice. Why would he select a representative of a different party to be his spokesperson? This lady is a mystery to everyone. Who is she really?

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The Photographer

This gentleman has joined the inner circle of the USFC very recently and yet he shows a lot of competence and ability to think. He is new to USFC, yet showing great work and passion already. We are looking forward to his results in the future.

The founders always stand together. It's the reason why the USFC is what it is. It's the United knowledge and power of the founders that holds the USFC together. They believe in each other, and they respect each other’s opinions. Only by that way they founded the USFC. But there is a reason why this trust is so deep and that is The Traitor of The Union.

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The Traitor of The Union

The Union of Soviet Socialist Cliffs was an organization to help its members under equal treatment. The USSC was funded also by the founders, but a fourth member joined later. It was the evil and heinous Traitor. They were supportive initially. They acted friendly and initially seemed trustworthy, but their true nature was revealed at last, as they leaked the information of the USSC. This caused the founders great pain. Later, they went to antagonize the founders which lead to the final operation of the USSC. Where is the Traitor? They are still out there, who are they is a mystery to all but the founders. But the damage they have done is unimaginable and it is unlikely that this tragedy will ever leave the founders alone.

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The Cherfuk initiative

Not much is known about this initiative other than the fact that they were the primary enemy of the USFC and that it was led by two women. Both of heinous nature and hypocritical beliefs. These women have endangered the first government of the USFC. The initiative was eliminated and destroyed by the FOGB following the Great Existence War.

The One True Emperor

But those are just figures of modern history what about the ancient ones? Well, we also have that in the form of The One True Emperor. Who is this mysterious figure? He is an ancient emperor that believed in a nation bound by trust and in a state that provides. He liked the plant Yew, which as you know is our national symbol. The Emperor is a man of legend. The legend of the united world. This emperor, centuries before us, wanted to unite the world. Many carried his idea of a united world, but not in the same way this emperor did.

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He did not take away the identity of the nations, he wanted to unite them under the promise of peace and cooperation. And what happened to him? He got stabbed with two swords and left dead on his ruined throne. And who killed him? The ones who are responsible for the hate in this world. His rivals wanted to conquer the world under one identity, under their hate. The One True Emperor is currently a celebrated figure in our federation.

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But there is a missing link, a man who introduced the founders to the legend of The One True Emperor. This man is The Garlic. And who is he? That is up for speculation, and we over here only have facts.